Wednesday 29 June 2016

Alpha 2.0.55

  • Added offline mode under options. When offline, the level pit will not be accessible.
  • Changed camera projection for a slightly nicer view.
  • Fix bug where bullets hitting walls made too loud a sound.
  • Loading screen before entering the level pit.
  • Fixed glitchy loading screen when creating a new level.
  • Made the awards page more readable.
  • New graphics.


  1. I launched the game I got:

    boost::filesystem::status: Access is denied: "C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Blackshift\Patches\"

    And the crash report has been sent.

    If your need me to send you anything or try anything, let me know

    1. UPDATE :P

      I launched it again and it worked, and it's already updated to alpha 2.0.55

  2. I like the changes! The change is aspect is pleasant, and the eyeball propeller guys are nightmare fuel!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Robin, I know Obie made the bullet miss demo a while back, but I think Half Baked demonstrates bullets missing deflectors really well. In the Northwestern part of the puzzle with all the deflectors, you have to shoot the yellow gun several times in order to get a bullet that hits the portable deflector. It happened in Obie's and my plays.

  5. I see you took 5 wins to get that score on "Half Baked" Bobby and you ran into the bullet/deflector problem as did I. Hopefully, I got enough saves to make Xindaris happy - ha ha and I used almost all of 'em. Next level half way done for Canada Day - I will make it shorter than the last one.

  6. you canadian? Happy Canada day!

    I've actually only won it 3 times. the first time I stupidly blew myself up while blowing up the cryo chamber.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Rob, If you'd prefer I keep the level pit family friendly and change the profane title to my latest "level" I'll do so.

    Lil' Team America World Police reference on Independence Day.

    1. Nevermind I didn't want to be the only one with a fuckin curse word in one of my level titles.

  9. Sorry Tatascan and Bibby but I had to edit Tequila Joe twice. "Tequila Joe" was one of my many game names in Netshift so, I had to make him look good. I may resurrect him by getting another code. I made his games look drunk! Ha ha ha! Tequila Joe's was a bar in Santo Domingo I use to swagger out of a few years back. BTW Bobby, I tried my "Half Baked" defector level with one shot, as intended, and it worked. I also have the same sequence in "Zwiggy Land" which you haven't beat yet and is a replica of a Netshift game. It seems the deflector problem is with the permanent deflectors which Rob made "thicker?". As I see it, everything hits dead centre but if the centre is offset, bullets might get off course. Zwiggy Land takes 8 minutes to beat BTW. It used to take longer but I eliminated the back portion. May add it later but will rebuilt it from scratch no edits.

  10. I just tried it again. I mean I wanna play zwiggy land but I got a couple minutes in and no saves! are there any saves in the level at all?

    1. There are two saves. I built it when too many Saves meant you couldn't beat it.

  11. I made yet another level but the ending is kinda random so, working on it. It is designed for the speedsters out there as I have seen the flow but am too slow with my old fingers! ha ha!

    The issue I have is that (and I am guilty as well), when you edit a legitimate level that you messed up not thinking out of the box, the original should stay in the pit and the program should force a name change and add the new 'fixed' level. This way, in the "Awards" - "Ladder Snake", legitimate winners of your screwed up level will keep their score.

    I have a few more ideas for the game Rob and will email them to you based on some Blackshift (original) elements. One is an enemy kill blocker so you have to kill all the enemies to unblock the goal.

    1. Regarding the name change thing, it should only apply if someone else beats your level.

  12. I left an unbeaten level in my Level Pit, "Bobby/Billy Show". Just checking on unbeaten levels by Author. I found a bunch of them in the old Netshift, fixed them and made them into a game. If it doesn't show up, tell me. I can beat it.

    1. Well, it was unbeatable so, I fixed it, beat it and then changed it with a nasty twist at the top. It is still unbeaten and ready for the Bobby/Bibbythedark show unless drerio, Wunk or Kadoffe can take it down! Ha ha ha, have fun! ;)

    2. Has anyone played the unbeaten Bobby/Bibby Show game on my profile? I need to know. This is test for Rob. If you cannot see it on my profile, the test is a success but I don't think I have played it 69 times but might have so, I request a response.

    3. just played and beat it. I like the aesthetics of the disappearing floor section in the northern part of the puzzle

    4. Holy crap, I designed a Bibbythedark machine - nice work Bibby! Okay, test completed.

    5. Like I coined, the Bobby/Bibby Show - buahahahah!

  13. Rob, had a "tundrastorm" last nite and lost the internet so played without the internet. It would be nice to be able to build levels without the internet using the "roaming/cache" to save the levels for uploading if possible. Just a thought.

  14. Watched you take down Zapato, Bobby. Ha ha ha. It is part of the ending of the revised ending for Tatascan Belly who found yet another of my weaknesses in Thunder Belly! Already fixed sitting on my other computer but needs more testing. I won't edit levels where someone beats my intent but rebuild them, fix them, and provide a new ending. Hope it is not boring.

    1. none of us can complain dude. you're the building master ALL HAIL OBIE, MASTER BUILDER, HE WHO SUSTAINS OUR BLACKSHIFTING.

      What were you testing in Slider Test, BTW?

    2. 13 pages of levels and I start by building a box around the ship. That's 185 levels so far and in NetShift, I made over 1300 levels before it disappeared. I see you guys like short levels but sometimes, I get the old Zindaris feeling and like to make you suffer! Ha ha ha. A bunch of my levels have failed but who cares, it's fun!? The trick is to try to beat the game with your stuff - we are testers aren't we? Apparently I cannot delete Slider Test so, I may use it to play with stuff that I want to test. I would like to make a manual Luigi level where you have to do all the work or you fail. One thought Rob, in another game I occasionally play, we can limit stuff. How about a time limit on Blackshift as I know you are working on a visible timer. We can activate it or not but, I think that would be fun! If you exceed the time limit, you blow up!

    3. on that note, while I never knew netshift existed but played blackshift like 12 years ago, I seem to recall mines with timers?

    4. Rob has got mines with timers on his wish list. On another note, Rob fixed the teleporters so that if you were on a landing pad, nothing could kill you if they got to the launch pad. That does not work for the universal teleporter! If you land on that pad and an enemy hits the other one, you get blown up. Even though I had 3 universal pads, the enemy went to my pad and not the other (a bit further away).

  15. I was testing the sliders to see if it made a difference if you just slid or actually used the arrow keys. It doesn't seem to make much difference! I will probably delete it when I finish my other level.

    1. pretty sure you can only face the direction you entered the sliders in or the direction you're sliding. and once you've corrected yourself to face the direction you're sliding you can't point the way you were before unless there's a direction change.

    2. You are correct however, I was testing if you used the arrow keys, would you go faster.

  16. Rob,
    Blackshift was running extremely slow (it was unplayable) on my computer for an unknown reason. So I deleted it and reinstalled it. When I re-opened the application, 15 updates were found. Then the application close and now when I try to open it, it give me an error message saying only "AU1".

    1. Sounds like you're using a very old installer? Download the latest one & try again. There have been a lot of bug fixes to the installer in the last 15 updates.

      If you get AU1 it's usually because the game is already running or didn't quit properly. Restarting your computer or finding & killing the process with task manager usually works.

    2. Ok, I downloaded the last installer and everything works find now. Still don't know why the game was working so slow...

  17. Okay Rob, look at Willy Wanker. I am using the Grille Neutralizer on this level with lasers. When I shoot the red door opener, if the grille tiles are not active, the laser never gets passed the neutral grille tiles and even if they turn active, the laser still will not go thru. However, if I shoot the red door opener when the grille tiles are active, the laser stays on! Methinks it might be a bug.

  18. Okay, I made a laser block demo. If you are going to keep this phenom, I will make yet another level using this glitch but, with bail-outs so I can edit it later.

  19. Sorry Tatascan, I couldn't let you win like that - I screwed up! But I changed the name in your honor. But credit to you to find the flaw (and I tested - what a dummy not to see the obvious!)! And, I make many but then again, I seem to be the only one posting to make Bobby happy! Buahahahah! Either way, when you win my last game, note that the laser doesn't pass by the deactivated grille. I kinda like this anomaly but Rob will decide. Happy to be the chosen one to test his awesome games!

  20. There is a new level in my pit, unbeaten. Trust me, there is a sequence there for speed. However, too drunk to win! Ha ha ha ha! Found a couple of issues besides the fact that you can't laser across an unlit grille. If I get killed too many times, the ship locks up and will only go up and right. I have to re-boot the program to play again (and it has happened on all my computers I am using for testing). Also, if there is an enemy on the landing platform, it will kill you if you go there. This includes the Green, Orange and Blue landing pads. There is a few others but can't remember hic! Someone go into my pit and beat that level - I have beat it twice in practice mode!

  21. aaannnndddd here we go again!
    I've just beaten "Relax With PacopaX" and my score doesn't register......

    1. Did you get that obnoxious horn at the end and you died? There was a time delay for the win.

    2. Yeah and I also got the "DONE" seal.

    3. Do... do you guys not like the horn? :'(

    4. I like it! I think it fits the game's "universe"/atmosphere. And it makes the wins satisfying!

      Also my score just registered... But yesterday it didn't, so the problem is still there, but is more subtle...

    5. dude the horn is absolutely integral to the game. It's so loud and satisfying.

    6. I have had results take time but that is an internet thing methinks. There is no flaw that I can see. I did find a minor flaw that I am working on so I can describe it properly. Meanwhile Adam and Bobby, lessee yer stuff! I think I have posted at least 7 levels in 7 days. It starts with "Create Level".

  22. Rob, what do you do with ties on the leader board in a level? I see you are counting in milliseconds and showing 10ths so, what's the poop?

    1. If two scores are identical down to the millisecond, the person who got that score first should get the higher spot.

  23. Obie don't take no breaks Bobby! It is gonna be dirty nasty and at least 3 minutes to finish. Got the first part done but, may make it the last part. I will give you a sample first, then a taste, then the whole shebang!

  24. The sample is published for you to find it. You won't be able to beat it because you are not that good - buahahahah!

    1. Ha ha ha - it is in my level pit. I beat it once in practice but when in published mode, I was killed and the game kept going! ESC didn't get me out of it. I had to knock down the game to start again. Either way, you gotta be fast to get the first part because, it sequences into an impossible motion. Also, apparently, you can kill the helicopter guy with orange nob if you hit it right! Weird schit happening on this level and it is only the beginning! WTF?

  25. WTF I played and indeed was able to kill the airplane when passing over the knob at the same time as him... made it beatable.

    1. Somehow, the interaction of you, the airplane and the pop-up killed the airplanes - twice! Awesome! One of those space/time/continuum things - ha ha ha - Rob needs to look at your replay!

    2. Ha ha ha ha, I just played it and the airplane made me disappear! But, it is beatable without killing the bugs!

    3. Okay, methinks I have figured it out. You have to hit the bug in the middle to make it disappear. I like this glitch! :)

    4. In "Holy Moly Batman", I vapourise 4 airplane bugs - ha ha!

    5. I will stop making levels with the bug wipe but, I think it is kinda neat and hope Rob doesn't fix it. But he will!!! I found another anomaly but can't remember what it was so, will report it after I finish this bottle of Tequila! Ha ha ha! Thanks Bobby for posting a level that I didn't make so I could play something different! One thing is that if you mess up, one of the bugs gets into the third level!

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. "Bobby Bumps Bibby", you can win it cheat code or the regular way. The key is the way you code the pop ups as I have tried it a few different ways and it doesn't work without this method. I only win my games to see if Tatascan can find a flaw, ha ha ha, then, I beat it for real! Have fun - making a new one as we speak! If you don't mess with the game, you will not find the problems (or not) but try schit sometimes - it is gratifying! Wunk is the master of deception! I am the master of Levels! Have fun because Rob is the Master of the Game!

  26. Hey Rob, can we share plays on media like facebook? Re-runs only! With an advert!

  27. Nice! You found yet another flaw of mine GraW. I won't fix it, my mistake, your win until I beat it. It was kinda long and boring anyways. Waiting for one of your levels to play - :)

  28. Still won't change it even tho Bibbythedark found another hole. At least I am making levels to play - ha ha ha. Gotta stop making bling for the endings - it opens up holes!

  29. Hey guys and gals, time to put up some levels. "This is the End" is only the beginning. I'll be back in a week or two.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Can someone please send a screenshot of level 36. Cant seem to find the way out before getting killed.

  32. There is one solution to your right. Make your bombs and bullets count. The purple diamonds don't matter in that direction. You will also need a deflector and at least one slider bomb.

  33. Oh man, my latest level is crap! Still working on it so you guys won't find the secret ending (there will also be a regular ending but you might mess up getting there). Rob is taking a time out so feel free to work with what you got! He actually works to make cash and this is just a devilish pastime of which he has won many awards. So, my suggestion is that you promote it to your friends (he he, and enemies so you can defeat them). I am getting tired of playing my own games, not tired of building new sequences tho. Trying to do a Hapland sequence and this one might make time to finish!

  34. Nice to see a new person in the midst making levels - "Test"! You might want to change your handle to something other than test but, Rob is working on that now. However, test brings up a point as the level was changed 3 times because GraW and I found some loop holes. That is fine because GraW found a loop hole in mine so, I fixed it, sorry GraW! The point being is that we are testers, and I think it is fair if you redirect your level to the point you were originally trying to make but not to change the level for your own purposes. I got three more to publish - just waiting for you people to defeat my last 4 levels!

    1. The one known as "Test" would be me. When I typed that name I thought I was naming a level, not my actual name. And now I can't change it, oh well. xD

    2. wait how did you change your name? I've wanted to change mine, not knowing when I got blackshift that I'd be doing level pit and message boards. I haven't been satisfied with having my handle just my name...

    3. As Rob and he will change it! BTW, I have a spare key if you know of someone who would be a good tester.

    4. I do! A tenant in a house I own developed the game Neo Scavenger (which is fuckin sweet, btw)

      I was talking to him about games and brought this one up and he was surprised he hadn't heard of it. He'd probably be a good tester unless of course he's too busy single-handedly developing another game :p

    5. Send me an email - Mrcarbonbusiness at gmail dot cum! I will see if I can find it.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Wunk your levels are pretty dang creative. Shit I can't beat half of them. I beat Keep The Laser Up btw. I just had to commit suicide to do it...

    1. Bullet Hell was truly fun, but sadly the "No-Save" bug come back (AGAIN).

    2. Thanks, I try to keep up with you all.

  36. Thanks! I Like the end.

    Something got kind of crazy at the end of bullet hell in a previous version. It's like too many explosions at the end messed with its ability to register a win...

    1. I don't think it's the explosions, because I did a better score on Roller Girl (is it a boogie nights reference?) but it didn't register either...

    2. It is a boogie nights reference! I was thinking of just namaing the level Heather Graham but thought it probably wouldn't make sense to people.

    3. LOL @ your win in Guide Test, Obie.

  37. A win is a win! I got Sushi Cat out there now. It is kinda random but there are two sequences I have seen. I think they sequence themselves based on how fast you double click to get going. Got another published on my level pit but can't beat it yet so, I left it there - ha ha ha! No plays yet. I tried to edit it but, that failed so, you get plain stuff as for graphics.

  38. Man, you guys are blowing me out of the water with 15 pages of levels and you guys got minimal stuff! Really, on some levels, I don't think the timer is working properly but I gotta trust Rob!

    One thing that would be nice to see is in the "Ladder Snake" column, if we click on a name, we get to see their wins! That might me find who is sneaking in my level pit beating my stuff! ha ha ha! Easier yet, click on the number of wins so see the levels then maybe I can go back and try to save some face! Ha ha!

  39. Okay, Nurbulator was based on a level in the original Blackshift with huge modifications. I just started it and found it funny so I finished it. In the original Blackshift, it was different. I see where I fcuked up but, I don't have the tools yet because Rob is asleep again. Anyways, as long as he keeps this thread alive, I will be happy to mess up even more levels. At least I am entertaining the flock. Next level is a Wunk level and I haven't beaten it yet so you will have to wait. Somehow, I don't have the double click speed the Randall has, so trying to figure it out but, feel free to put out your own levels and see where you have messed up in your thinking. Change it if it was not your original thought but really, 3 times max! Then, build a newer version. Rob's mind is pure genius and if you have beaten his Hapland levels, without using the cheat code, you can build Blackshift! Working on yet another level, are you?

  40. BTW Rob, I now have 3 Wunk "Synchronise Tests" by Wunk on my "Try These" levels so, that shit ain't workin!

  41. "Test for Rob, no win" on my level list at the end. It can't be beat because it is a test. An anomaly that prolly needs to get fixed. I will see what I can do with it first and make it beatable - the invisible laser! Where does it come from? I did make it beatable but it was too cheap so, I left it as is. It is based on Nurbulator while I was finding a newer ending that Wunk and BibbytheDark had to follow my instructions! Ha ha! By publishing the raw data, I can fix it on my other computers!

  42. Rob, "Welcome Back Sabik!" has a flaw at the finish. It will lock up the game totally if you don't do it correctly.

    Oh yeah, BTW - Welcome back SabikDK, your levels were awesome in the old game!

    1. check my winning method on this level, it's probably your biggest fail up to date!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. My mind is going!!! I fixed it and it fixed the other lock-up issue I had with that level.

    4. Nope, crash is still there and a laser shoots right through a solid tile!

    5. Actually, it doesn't shoot thru the tile but apparently won the game that way but when I played it again, it went back to the save tile!

    6. Ha ha Adam - you locked it up too and even playing the replays knocks down the game!

    7. Yup... The game crash but my win still record. Not like in "Random Death Cubes" which suffer from the No-Saves bug...

    8. I got a couple of saves on Random Death Cubes but also got no saves and the game locked up!

  43. hahahaha Fepe record on "Not Pong" is simply hilarious.

    1. Dang, I thought I'd added enough draggable bombs to prevent that trick. Oh well, just a little horseplay anyway, nothing sophisticated.

  44. I found a glitch on one of my levels. I have the blue tower (the thing you destroy to win the level) surrounded by grills. To beat the level you have to turn the grills off, then push a pushable explosive on top of the turned off grills, and when you turn the grills back on it will explode. However the game doesn't see this as a win even tho it automatically leaves the level. It's been published for 3 days now and I haven't seen it show up on the "What's New" area. Is that because I have to win it myself first? because I did, but the game says it doesn't count because of said glitch.

    1. Nevermind, I made a test level to see if that was the problem. Looks like it's not. I'm not sure why my level won't give the win now.

    2. It's probably the "no-save" bug. Rob is trying to fix this bug for a long time now. At one point we thought it was gone but it reappeared for some reasons... It often happen when a lot of random enemies are on the level.

      I've tried your level, it looks really long and hard (no dick reference intended). I didn't get really far, but I really enjoy the parts where enemies are flying into the nothingness.

    3. I forgot to ask, when you finish your level, does the "Done" tag appear on it? If so, it's really the "no-save" bug where the Done tag appear but when you click on the level you don't see your score in the Leaderboard.

    4. (sorry for the triple post) But yeah, you have to win your own level before it appear in the "What's new" section.

    5. Yes, the "Done" tag does appear. And I have won the level myself a couple times already after I published it.

    6. I tried a few parts on that level and how you got thru the exploding floors is amazing! It could probably use a few more save tiles.

  45. I see you have been sniffing around in my level pit Adam. :) I will leave it as is, just testing some stuff for a new level. The bomb will open a door in the next one and release a couple of helicopter guys.

  46. BibbytheDark - Adam, is going to smoke my win on Wunk's latest. I just don't have fast fingers anymore! Gettin old. And, BibbytheDark has an incredible keyboard - look at his win in Luigi! Try it - I always get zapped! Either way, gonna start my Wunk levels now where speed is restricted.

  47. Nice new level by Wunk. Flip flop - it even woke up the Czar!

  48. BTW Rob, on Swiftshade's unbeaten published level, I got thru the exploding floors 3 times albeit, the moveable bomb to win the game didn't survive! Kinda sucks but, I wouldn't sweat this bug. It is part of the game and workable. The tiles explode from the centre and the ship is faster than the tiles if you get my drift. I would just leave it that way. Swiftshade shows the success of this fail! Ha ha!

  49. this is awesome. Between Swiftshade, Wunk, and Obie, it seems like there's a new level every day.

  50. Also, Wunk, It gives me joy that you beat Night at the Museum. It was fun to make. Originally I gave far fewer clues.

    1. That level really was something! I like the atmosphere, even though it took me way too long to get it (even with all the clues).

      Btw, thanks for showing me the loophole in my binary level. Really hard to plug because the place is crammed already, but I think it's fixed now.
      I wish I knew how to give more clues in the level, it's gotta be really confusing when you're not the one who built it.

    2. I gave up Wunk! Ha ha - after I went round in circles a couple of dozen times!

    3. I finally figured out the binary code!

  51. Jeez, put another empty level out and Bibby's bin snoopin' again! Ha ha ha! Waitin' for Bobby, Graw, Spacecowboy and Wunk before I play it!

    1. Sorry, I meant BibbytheDark's speed competitor, swiftshade! Ha ha ha, I just make em to make you sweat - There will be more to test stuff! Rob is back updating so, that's a good thing!

    2. Jeez Bibby, got dizzy watching your replay! I kept falling into the grille so I just quit! Ha ha... Surprised that only Wunk has beat "Nothing Special" which I had to fix due to a flaw. Does editing screw up the win column?

  52. I've found a new bug while playing "Nothing Special".
    It's kinda hard to explain so I did a video.
    Basically, the laser is not killing you as it's supposed to do:

    1. Small update on the same bug:

      Obie is probably already doing a level exploiting this bug!

  53. Hahahaha!
    Wunk, I've just seen your playthrough of "Liberty's debt".
    Was it your first attempt? It seems like you got very lucky and broke most of my traps ;P
    Still, it's nice that someone else finally beat one if my levels.

    1. Oh, by far it wasn't. I was about to give up more than once. And unused stuff always gives me the feeling that I'm missing the intended solution and somehow sneaking through, but since I couldn't find another way I was satisfied with beating it at all.

    2. I just wanted to rewatch it to see what looked wrong in particular, but since I beat it it wont show up in the suggestion list and I don't know how to find it. While I can view the level lists of some users, I don't find all of them in the highscore lists. Is there another way?

    3. I don't think there's another way, but I'm easy to find, just click on my name in the highscore of any level that I've beaten.

      But yeah, there should be some sort of list of every player who made levels or something like that, otherwise, some levels could be lost forever.

    4. That's what I usually go for, but that day I couldn't find a level with your score before getting bored of trying.

    5. Hahahaha
      Well, otherwise, you can also check on the awards page. Here, there's some peoples we haven't seen in a while, like GraW and the Czar.

  54. @Adam, your vid's are private and I cannot view them. Gotta another in the level pit - no plays, no wins. This time, the lasers will zap you if you get careless. Assuming of course, George Foreman doesn't zap you attempting to be too fast - ha ha ha!

    I have beaten it but only in edit mode.

    1. Oops... I probably linked them wrong.
      This should be better:
      Video #1
      Video #2

    2. Yep, that's a bug. Rob will fix that one - or not!

  55. I made a level showing the bug and the various stuff it affects. If Rob fixes it, I will take away the goal which basically deletes the level.

  56. I see @swiftshade already destroyed it. I gotta stop making levels that speed can kill! Oh well, it is just a temporary test for Rob. Enjoy it while you can. My keyboard sucks! :(

  57. I am the level maker, you are my peasants, my testers - enjoy! I don't think anyone can beat Bibby's latest shot but, will give a few more days until Rob sees the flaw before I cancel it. The key, methinks is that everything is focused on the centre of the tile and the teleporters disrupt this issue nullifying the centre. An easy fix methinks but I like flaws and there were many in Netshift! I manipulated all of them for over 1700 levels. Rob fixed a few but, methinks he is getting serious about this game! That's cool but, if I can find flaws, I will use them! That is my game!

    1. You know the best flaw in netshift I liked, and Stechus (Wunk) mentioned this once. if you sent a tile into the teleporter and then entered it yourself, it would send the displaced tile a certain direction directionally proportional to the tile position. Hard to describe unless you've been there but very effective. Those days are gone but Alpha testing is fun! Rob is grandfathering all flaws so, I might just keep this cheap level alive just to watch you guys have fun! Ha ha ha!

    2. @Swiftshade oh yeah? Well dethrone I from my Ladder Snake status then!
      Just kidding, you're truly fast and it's cool to have a new competitor in the ring.

    3. I don't think you can run Blutto's Toga Party any faster then was my latest run.

    4. And yes I probably added like 150 plays to that level trying to get it. lol

    5. Oh yes, that was my favorite one. That way you could basically place any shape of blocks anywhere without worrying about overpainting the floor tiles - or you could have the player build very specific tools of sticky blocks and teleport-bounce them where needed. Good days.
      Finding and exploiting flaws is always fun! Only drawback is that the level probably becomes unbeatable once Rob decided to fix it, but that's what alpha does isn't it?

    6. Yer right Wunk! "Up a Bug's Butt" was one that has been fixed butt :) the level still works so, we get to keep our creative impossibilities! Ha ha ha! It was actually Adam that found the flaw in "teleport bug" so kudos to him. I just thought my computer went loopy so I re-booted! ha ha.. I see I left another flaw in "Blutto's Toga Party" but such is life, I will leave it alone.

      The nice thing about Netshift was that you could see more of the grid while playing but, that makes the computer work harder methinks - I have seen it earlier in this version but was impossible to play properly.

      I would like to see a few more elements from the old game's' like the depressed purple tile, machine gun, movable deflector tile so we can manipulate the lasers (sorry but that would be a new one), the 4 shot moveable device that when you shoot, 3 bullets fly in opposite directions. (Wish I could post a pic of this machine but was awesome using deflectors to achieve your goal (remember level 100 in Blackshift Wunk?) Oh yeah, need a de-activated grille. Sorry Rob, but I am needy. ha ha

      Play on guys but most important is to build your stuff! I got 224 levels out there with one called "Not Possible" and over 50K plays on my levels and I gotta stop using the laser endings because I always screw up - ha ha!

  58. @Swiftshade
    Doing the last part without using the save?!
    That would take me more than 150 attempt!!

    1. You have to skip the save, or you will miss the the laser pulse at the end. I thought long and hard on how to save more time on each part of the level to beat it 1 laser pulse quicker.

    2. Yup... You're right Swiftshade, 40.4 sec IS the minimum we can get in "Blutto's Toga Party".
      I've tried another path (see my new playthrough) to see if I could save some nanoseconds, but no, I get the same score.

    3. haha maybe we need the timer to count down by milliseconds

  59. Geez, I thought "Teleport Bug" would be a tie but once again I played pretty instead of smart. Game on friends, Bibbythedark has the com!

  60. Robin, I know this thread is getting pretty long as is your list of fixes, but I think it would be cool to have an in-game volume control. Currently I can't listen to music alongside Blackshift because the game's volume ends up overpowering the tunes. Just an idea!

    1. Thanks for letting me know you need this, I'll bump it up the list. In the meantime, if you're on Windows, you can change volumne per app. Can't do it on Mac though.

  61. Swiftshade - play the Bonzai level in my level pit. u oughtta like it. There's one flaw that allows you to beat it without setting off the chain reaction, like in Tatascan's replay, but its more fun to do it Indiana Jones Running From The Boulder Except You Die - style.

    I'm not sure why I put that mine there. I think to make it so that if you pushed the bomb too far you lose the level.

  62. BTW where are y'all based out of? Are most of you British? I'm assuming Obie and Robin are with the .uk url and all...

    I'm in Seattle, WA, USA

  63. I am right above you Bobby, Alberta, Rob is UK, Wunk and Kadoffe from Germany, Xindaris from China methinks, Sabik - somewhere in Europe

  64. If Rob puts some more stuff on the menu, I will bring back the DOK level which is next to impossible and a collaboration of Domna, Kadoffe and myself.

    1. I feel like I haven't seen a lot of domna lately...

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Hey guys, we should talk about the level pit, don't you think? Adding the posibility to search by name, marking some levels as favorites, voting, having different lists based on different things (maybe length given by an average of the first X that finished it, difficulty, although I don't know how to judge that).
    For now it's good because there are not many of us, but even as it is sometimes it's hard to find some levels.

    Should we talk about it here, in some other place (don't know where, Trello, maybe?), or not at all?

    1. Yes, there's indeed place for amelioration in the level pit. Especially because, for now on, it's too easy for some level to be lost forever. Example: Right now we can't play any of Domna's levels as he's nowhere in the level pit or the awards page.

    2. go to page five of Obie's level pit and select the level "Hidden." Domna beat that one so you can access his level pit that way. I was just playing some Domna levels yesterday. But yeah, that's a bit of a round-about way to get to old levels...

  67. Just ask Rob and this is prolly the best forum. If you see on Trello, he is working on some of the stuff you are talking about. The trouble with "hardest" levels is that Rob is trying to avoid that concept. "Likes" are good. Random and search are good as well... As for finding levels, I see swiftshade has been sniffing in my level pit having a bit of fun! ha ha ha

  68. Yo Pacopax and Bobby, I hadn't finished that level yet! It's fixed now! Methinks...

  69. Bin checkin' my level pit now at 16 pages. I see you guys don't like longish ones but that is my forte. Yep, taking it downtown on a bus ride with a lot of stops! Ha ha ha! Oh, by the way Rob, I couldn't get Run and Gun Work with 5 enemies because the left hand stall is still there - laptop and desktop - your forte is the right hand turn for some reason. I also couldn't edit Run and Gun until I rebooted my machine, not sure if there is a bug there but I may have had two Blackshifts running at once. Will check later.

    As for degree of difficulty points, you have to use the number of people that have beaten the beast, not the number of tries because we have speed demons out there that reset if they don't get their speed right! Me included! Got another out there, I think it is ready. Just waiting for the testers to sniff in my level box! Ha ha ha! O plays, O wins and it will not be edited, just copied and added onto Part 2.

    1. I'm just sitting here watching "Fast start part one" plays go up from Bobby. Waiting to see if he beats my score.

    2. yeahhh it'd be by milliseconds if I were to beat it, since you are constrained by having to wait for the roller to hit the conveyer belt. AND I had to pick up my kid, soooooo

    3. Swiftshade beat my Gun N run time and I just don't even care to try to beat that... U win!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. lol swiftshade was gonna be like "you ain't shit but a Solw-playin trick-ass poser bitch! Suck it!"

      But then decided that might be a little much and deleted it.

  70. Replies
    1. I do like the longish ones, but some of the oldies are super sparse on saves - something I'm sure you were doing to compensate for the save error. I end up giving up because I don't want to keep replaying long sections over and over. Maybe someday when this save error is finally in the rear view you could do some re-releases of long levels with more saves.

      Speaking of - Since I've been on a bit of a second wind, playing old levels, I beat Daisy Mae like 3 times in a row and never got credit for the save. Perhaps something specific about that level triggers the error...

    2. Yeah, there are a few ones of mine that do that. I also agree that I didn't use saves because they messed up the win column. I should edit a few levels for future players but, then, the winners have to beat it again. I will check Daisy Mae, there is really something weird about that one because both you and Bibbythedark won it and then it disappeared. Oh shit, don't think I can change it because it had a flaw that Rob fixed. There are a few of my old ones like that and it seems like I am the only one that can win them! Try Oddities, Lost Me Keys and Mega Fun (the original).

    3. HAH I gave up on mega fun. Too hard :)

      I'd love to see change ends fixed with more saves. I gave up because of lack of saves but i wanna see the end!

      Also I was playing box guidance and there's this portion with disappearing floors that I think I did wrong and saved afterwards so I'm going to have to start from the beginning. fun level though!

    4. What I don't want in Rob's level pit is a level that can't be beat. It happened in his Super Serif Brothers game where the most difficult level was impossible to beat even tho I made it to the top of the impossible ladder and found a blocker in the way! I rebuilt it so it could be beatable. Tell me of any of my levels you can't get a score on and I will see if I can fix them. I don't really care about scores but, really, who is going to beat the Master Builder! Buahahaha! Try Box Guidance, that was an unbeatable level in Netshift.

    5. Yeah see previous post. In box guidance I got to a room with a very specific path for my explodey block to be pushed by a bunch of mines on a conveyer belt, all triggered by a left-falling arrow block. It got stuck there and I couldn't figure out what to do differently...

    6. Bobby, that was the last frame. I just tried it and the moveable mine went down twice to where it should. You need to take a different path to get to the mine.

  71. I have it timed my Blackshift friend. Can't do it from this laptop. You will find the solution but, that is only part one! Ha ha!

    1. Nope, not even I can beat that - I just make em to make you sweat!

    2. I just played it to see your wins but I was slow. Part 2, different ending will open up a teleporter to a different scenario. Already working on it!

  72. Okay, Rob, we gotta think the double click thing to get the game started. Seems that Bibbythedark and Swiftshade got gamer keyboards. I tested on a random level that Bobby left in the pit unbeaten. "Did I or did it..." Now, if I go you my Users/Appdata/Roaming/...Levels (you know where that is) and "Open With" Blackshift.exe, the game starts immediately which is a bit of a problem on some of my levels but still workable. Try to figure that one out because in the old Blackshift, once you hit the arrow key, the game started. I don't like to be beaten by a keyboard! Ha ha!

    1. oh dang... a bunch of people played that! I accidentally clicked the publish button and thought I got it off the main level pit screen. Is it in the general level pit for you or just in mine?

    2. oh shit! I now see that it's on the level pit... Oh well. it was more a concept I was working on than an actual level...

    3. Also, abuot the double-click thing... You'll see that I have the top score now. That's just because I have so much practice clicking J then immediately the direction I want to go in. I just have a laptop.

  73. Oh yeah, tried to update one of my games by adding some save tiles (because they messed up the game last November). It won't let me "Save Changes" or whatever it says. However, I found it in my Cache/Levels so, I might re-introduce it by changing the name a bit - it worked before!

    1. Hey finally you got someone else to beat sliders and stickys ii. too bad i did it like an idiot at the end, thinking i was trapped when i totally wasn't...

    2. No worries, nice to see someone else figured out that level. I am sure I will go down a notch in the win level tomorrow! Ha ha!

      Playing some of my older levels might be difficult because they include some game flaws that you don't expect that have been fixed by Rob and cannot be duplicated. But we are testers and since I was so familiar with NetShift, I knew the flaws. Also, would like to add some "save" tiles on some of my older levels but that would screw up the win column - "save tiles" were an issue in the beginning so, I didn't put them in my levels.

      I got a few others in my pit that nobody has beaten. It is probably because Rob allowed me to put a bullet on a stinger and you would die trying to pick up the bullet.

      These abnormalities should probably be grandfathered just for fun in Beta mode and maybe deleted when the game goes live because I don't want to be seen as an asshole to mess up the game because it turns people off! If you find any more on my more than 200 levels that are only beat by me or pacopax, tell me. Mega Fun - 4 minutes of random crap - I see you beat Stop the Bullets - kinda unorthodoxed but the game has changed as the bullet limit is easier to beat than the original blackshift. I am waiting for Rob to give me a few more weapons like a machine gun and the 4 way gun where you shoot and 3 bullets fly out the remaining barrels. Plus, so I can bring back some of my old Netshift levels, I need the plunger. I am needy, but I make shit happen.

    3. the old Blackshift used to have direction-specific bullets, didn't it? That would be a cool addition.

      I dunno if your old levels will turn off new players. your level pit is oh-so deep. What might be useful is if a player's level pit listed levels from newest to oldest rather than oldest to newest. Then that hypothetical rookie can have exposure to the newer levels that work under the current parameters of the game. I mean - unless a level is just straight-up unbeatable.

      Speaking of unbeatable - is Wunk's Kadoffe is back! still beatable?

    4. Yep, and you beat me but I was slow just trying to beat my own level and yes, Kadoffe is Back is beatable. It is all hidden so, you have to figure out the code. I could send you a screen shot but can't do it on this forum. Mrcarbonbusiness@ Kadoffe hasn't done much lately but SabikDK is back and I always loved his levels!

    5. Directional bullets were in Netshift as well. I could use them but Rob doesn't like them for some reason. If he did, I would bring back "The Forest" where you have to think about your weapons to win.

    6. How does one unpublish a level? I never meant for Did I or Did It to make it into the general level pit...

  74. Bobby, edit and take away the ending.

  75. Just an idea - what if, when the cryo chamber is blown up, instead of disappearing, it becomes charred, twisted, mangled, flickering and giving off sparks... maybe not worth the time considering how short a duration you see it after going back to the menu.

  76. I like that idea Bobby - like a 9-11 death of the cryo chamber - ha ha ha - Rob will love it! Got a new one out but too drunk to finish it. I think it can be beaten. Don't play Blackshit at the bar! Ha ha ha. But, the wenches are distracting me!

  77. All righty then, it looks like Swiftshade and Bibby got fast computers and faster keyboards. Swifty is gonna make meat out of my light speed level. I dunno about the demo level, the walking volcano cube is too random!

    1. I may have found a hole in "The speed of light"

    2. Yes, it was there by my mistake. I saw the flaw accidentally during an edit/play but just didn't use it in my win! I won't edit, it is your win, you get the credit. Building another longer version with some fixes. That is why we are the testing crew. Let the others figure it out! Ha ha - The intended ending is quite tough to figure out but your speed with the teleporters was amazing! Awaiting your next level my friend.

    3. 57000 plus plays on my games and counting and none of mine count otherwise, it would be higher. Over 200 plus levels in Alpha and a lot of mess ups. I made over 1400 levels in Netshift Beta before Rob pulled the plug. I don't want him to pull the plug again. I will make a few easy levels for the flock to enjoy so they keep coming back. I do have more up my sleeve - ha ha!


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