A Visual History of the Integration of the BGFX Renderer into Blackshift

Nailed it. |
Also, new update:
- BGFX now renders terrain backgrounds, and is getting close to becoming the default renderer.
- Fix crash bugs regarding bouncing bullets
- Added some new item graphics (BGFX only)
- Audio fixes
Nice changes to BGFX! The background (off scene) is cool and keeps changing for me from green to bluish gray to like a desert scene. You have changed the buttons for the doors, now, change the doors (they are Old Blackshift style). The little random bug with the blinkin' lites is also Old Blackshift style - Just sayin' Nice work Rob. Just a check for the other testers. I published 2 new games about cloning. If you play them in Ogre, does the camera stop working?
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ReplyDeleteI found a new quirk. I found myself, my ship, against the butt hole of the blue bug behind a down arrow and we both didn't get killed and both couldn't get out of there. Might try something with this. Kinda weird. I will try to reproduce it.
ReplyDeleteNailed it as Rob would say - "Up a Bug's Butt! :D" Ha ha - I too funny!
DeleteFound some other interesting quirks that need not be corrected but it has a lot to do with enemies and sliders. I can hit the rolling sausage on a slider and stop - nobody dies. Actually, to my surprise, I can shoot the rolling sausage and keep going by hitting him and killing him. Kinda weird - (you can try it on Slippery When Wet which I see no one has beaten. Made a level about it am holding back. Would like to see others making levels as I will probably push out 3 more this weekend and one sitting on my office computer on Monday! Meanwhile, you can click on my name and try to finish some levels that you haven't beaten yet - only me!
DeleteSurprised that nobody has beaten Obie6-Laser Control! I thought it was simple!
ReplyDeleteI think people have but it's not showing up. Haven't fixed that bug yet.
DeleteWatch my solution for "Lost Me Keys". I scare away the rolling sausage. I am not as fast as Bibby or Bob but I do get away with some schit! ha ha ha!
DeleteI am a little disappointed of the lack of levels being produced. I have one now that crashed the program - Rob's problem but, I have a duplicate on my other computer. It is brutal and takes it's fame from Box Guidance from Netshift. Apparently, the creator, which I copied important parts, and I were the only ones to beat it. Not finished yet so, will re-do another level to keep you interested. If you are wondering why your scores don't show up, that is Rob's issue. Meanwhile, he is working on graphics but I am still experimenting on how to crash his game - ha ha
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm trying to get BGFX to do some explosions so I can remove OGRE. Crashes might have to wait for a bit.
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DeleteThe explosions in OGRE are sweet - hope you succeed and know you will. I got a win in Box Guidance, well a bunch, but by not using the Save Tiles. They seem to be a problem getting certified wins. Either way, now testers can see how to beat it. Game is awesome - keep pumping! I'm hooked and I am sure others will be as well!
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DeleteTime to do 5 Keys BibbytheDark, Bobby did. It's not that hard. Box Guidance is a bit harder but, in Netshift, the bugs were faster so we all thought it was impossible until I got lucky. I found a JPG of Domna's famous DOK level. Will post it on our Facebook thread of Netshift on my facebook page. It needs some horizontal enemies but maybe a compromise is in order for the time being. Pity. Anybody can join that thread.
DeleteExplosions look actually good in BGFX Rob! I'm gonna have to play all my levels again to check 'em out! :)
ReplyDeleteI must be crazy about this game - I have dropped over 100 doable levels in the pit. I will fix the rest in Beta so Bibbythedark cant commit suicide to win. Keep workin Rob, I am workin on more levels!
ReplyDeleteWait for Zxin's stuff kids, he is back and has destroyed my computers in the past. The master of disaster! Ha ha!
ReplyDeleteFinally got a win to show up on "Stupor Tuesday" by beating it clean. It took me a bunch of tries to get the win column but beat it plenty with many deaths! Still Alpha - no worries! ha ha!
ReplyDeleteI have no idea how you beat me on the "Stupor Tuesday" BibbytheDark. I watched your replay! No way! Which means Rob's timer is based your computer, not his server! Pulling out the stopwatch as we speak!
DeleteI gotta a new one I am working on. It is nasty and based a little bit about Wunk has taught me. Sorry, I don't do easy levels if you remember me from the past! I will have 4 save tiles because you might need them. I don't do easy levels if you remember me from Netshift - Beta and the Final. Sure would be nice if others built the easier levels for a change, I would appreciate them so I can learn! Put anything up! In Alpha mode, I am just trying to break the game so Rob can fix it. So far, I think I broke a lot but nothing left to break! Ha ha! Will put up the famous DOK level on my facebook (Netshift) game on Thursday. I have a JPG of the whole level - the only thing missing is the enemy death block (a yellow block on Netshift that would go away if you killed all the enemies - kinda like the number thing with the purple diamonds)! Will have another level in the next few days - got stage two done and need to figure out stage 3 and 4. Stage 5 is sitting there but, it's easy if you are careful!
DeleteI have beaten "The Bug Ballet" at least 5 times. It doesn't show. Saw your Trello post about the bug problem. Will check it out.
DeleteOh, and Bobby, I was trying to translate an old Netshift level to this game, I see, you found an alternate solution! Ha ha, nice work (I didn't see it but knew I had one too many solutions). I would put out a request for different elements but, RGA is busy. One would be a block gun that is either fixed or movable so, if you shot it, it shoots a bullet. The other is a movable pass thru block with deflectors inside so we can work with lasers more effectively. Still haven't seen a level from you Bobby - waiting!
DeleteYet another level. Are you getting tired of me yet? "My Happy Place". This combines some levels I knew from Netshift with some modifications. If you get thru part one, yer sailin'. Trouble is, if you use the save tiles, your score might not count. Next project, "Space Maze"!
DeleteBTW, You can mess up Bug Ballet and My Happy Place sequences by "wiping" a bug at a specific moment and then you will die! It is a bit of a flaw but usable in game development!