Sunday 13 March 2016

Alpha 2.0.42 Released

It almost loops.


  • New levels
  • New graphics
  • New sounds
  • One new object
  • Option to disable glow
  • Fixed teleport behaviour:
    • Fixed bug where stuff was not always teleported to the right place. Objects now always go to the closest available matching teleporter.
    • Things can no longer teleport on top of the player and kill you.
  • Disappearing floors are now only triggered by the player.
  • Fix a bug where the Mac version would often crash if updates were available.
  • Fix a bug where the game would crash on certain graphics cards unless the renderer option was set manually.
  • Fixed a threading bug in the GUI code. This may solve some GUI drawing issues.


  1. This is really getting better and better...
    Good job!

  2. lol@ Bibbythedark on rockin rollers. he's a suicide genius.

    1. Yea, I left the door open on there didn't I? I know how to close it tho! :)

      On that level, you can wipe/sweep the rollers and get them off sync!

    2. Sweeping Rollers is fun but you die alot. I tested it against the Bibbythedark suicide mission. I think it works. Have beaten it a few times, died alot! If you see the solution, you still won't beat it! ha ha!

    3. Oh yeah, and Rob, don't even think of fixing this glitch! I like glitches and this one is fun!

  3. Too bad few have put up any levels than me lately! I am getting bored beating my own crap!

    1. ohhhhh i bet that is indeed boring... i just have to squeeze blackshift sessions between study breaks still.

    2. Study is more important! We can wait until you get a break! :) You got fast fingers on the keyboard so, you should get your studies done quick! Ha ha!

  4. hah. i was stuck on obie-6 laser control and just beat it and it's one of my favorite of yours. Challenging puzzle.

    1. Bobby, the level has changed when Rob fixed what he figured was a glitch. I just beat it again for high score with a little different method than before. You replay doesn't work anymore.

  5. There are a few more unbeaten levels of mine Bobby - Nice solution to Obie6!

    Rob! Now we can't place deflectors on Trees that we destroyed! We could always do this in the original Blackshift and Netshift and included the Blue,Green, Red, Yellow and the keyed Door (not on the component list yet). We can still place deflectors on the B,G,R & Y doors which is good so leave it that way. My thinking is that if the tile is permanently disabled, we should be able to place deflectors on it.

    Other suggestions for new components would be the a movable tree tile which when shot, grows into 3 trees. Plus, a grille block that when you shoot it, shuts off the grille which was very effective in Level 100 of the original Blackshift.

    1. - I made trees into a green peg because it looked better than nothing; it's only temporary until I think of a better graphic for them. Item bug is an unlucky side-effect of that. Will fix.

      - Keyed door is too on the component list!

      - Planning on adding the grill block, and maybe the growy thing, but I want to fix the game as it is before adding new stuff.

  6. Rob - on the Fire Maze, I was absolutely positive I lined the entire ending frame with the disappearing tile because I used the fill function. I see that one tile was taken out!

    1. I just checked it and I'm seeing it full of disappearing floors as it should be. Screenshot me?

      By the way, I like the block puzzle on that level. Tricky.

  7. Just published Bibby the Hard. I couldn't beat it with this Acer keyboard but I know it is winnable! I like the spinning cones! Ha ha - first one to beat it wins!

  8. I could not duplicate that weird thing about Fire Maze where the one disappearing tile turned black with an enemy on it. I was positive I didn't click on a black tile but, could be mistaken. Maybe I accidently clicked on a null tile. Sometimes that happens in the editor! But you saw it full of disappearing files - weird! Ha ha!

  9. Replies
    1. Looks like BibbytheDark gets the cookie Moviette!

    2. I am Bibbythedark :)

      On another note, does anybody know if "Impossible City" by The Czar of Explosions is actually possible?
      Because it's driving me crazy!!

    3. No but maybe. He screwed it up. It used to be Level 20 on the main board. Maybe he fixed it tho! But, he hasn't beat it so I am doubting. The Czar is Rob! He told me there was an oddity/complication but I'm surprised he put it on his level page. It's a big complicated level! I will try it again. I kinda know how he thinks!

      Nice work on Bibby the Hard - Let's see what Bobby can do! Gonna be tough to beat that score! ha ha

    4. I fixed that oddity ages ago, it was the bug where lasers blocked by customs doors couldn't be unblocked again.

      I did screw it up too, so the bit with the hundreds of eye-fish at the end is harder than it should be. I don't know about impossible though. I'll edit it when I add editing :)

    5. Also it was never level 20.

    6. Oh yeah, level 20 was a good level, ha ha! When you add the editing feature, also add a delete feature so I can get rid of some crap that were just for show and tell because some can't be beaten now!

      100's of eye fish, Rob? You would need a portable laser to solve that one!

    7. Yeah, will definitely add delete.

      Uploaded a fixed City which is more likely to be possible.

    8. I just played the new Impossible City - "Error, Corrupt file" and crashed the game.

    9. LOL! I'm dumb. Okay, deleting it until the new update is out.


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